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The Offensive Line

Apr 25, 2021

The reason we missed last week show is because Blackman got COVID-19. Jared Scott was in the studio this episode to give his take on how big Zack's Johnson and Mortal Kombat. Zack went to go see Mortal Kombat in theaters with Merv. Everyone give there take on the movie which Jared say it's kind of like Arbys. Zack...

Apr 11, 2021

No guest today which is fine by the way. We are making plans to book people aren't worried as much. Blackman start talking about his credit score some odd reason. Blackman's brother came to visit and got the wrong idea about something he had to do. Blackman open a care package from Escape RV Rental where he screwed up...

Apr 4, 2021

No guest today because we didn't book one, besides it's the lords day. Thanks to Zack's mom we had some Easter Ham for lunch so Blackman didn't have to cook. Blackman and Zack talked about the greatest hits of the cd box set commercial. Did you leave Britney alone? Because most of information about her was learned via...