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The Offensive Line

Jul 26, 2020

We had Orlando Comedian Cher Reyes on the show today. Period sex? Who had it and who's fine with it. Blackman put up a picture of Jesus on Facebook and a lot of ladies would let him get it. What X-men would you be? Also which which Will Smith movie you think is the best? Find out all of that and more. Trust me this was...

Jul 21, 2020

Marvin AKA Merv and Juan from Smart Mouth films on the show. Zack let everyone know that he was pretty drunk but it was something that everyone already knew. Then he even kissed someone but said it didn't happen later in the show either. Blackman posted something from Jo Jo that might have won over Marvin over when...

Jul 12, 2020

Today we had Orlando Comedian DJ Santana on the show. Blackman told Zack the reason why he did CrossFit. is Kanye trying to steal your vote? Are we getting side tracked by Will Smith problems with his wife while all the elite raping kids on a island? Blackman and DJ are voting for Jo Jo and there isn't anything you can...

Jul 5, 2020

Today Billy and Blake stopped into the new studio. If you didn't know Blackman has moved into a bigger place at this point. Billy wants to get into video game. Blackman Expose himself when it comes to what he likes. Billy got real when it comes to this election and everyone hate Libertarians because it won't work. Why...