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The Offensive Line

Apr 26, 2020

Zack opens up the show talking about how Kim Jong Un passing away. Which as of right now it's not official but it sure as well sounds like it. An Indian dude ask Blackman for programming help before the show. Blackman talked about Zack staying the night but Zack just really wanted him to finish Final Fantasy 7: Remake....

Apr 20, 2020

I still don't have any guess planned anytime soon but we did manage to get one of our friends to return to the show. What Zack would say to himself from 10 years ago when it comes to what he's drinking now. Blackman has a friend name Killer Kyle which who is pretty normal once you learn about him. Find out who Blackman...

Apr 13, 2020

Get ready for an episode thats all over the place. We give to you the hour long commercial for our sponor Blue Chew! we have our good buddy Austin on and its a good ol listen! I TELL YOU WHAT!



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Apr 6, 2020

Blackman's Monday hangout buddy Kirk Bonacci was on the show. Zack talks about show much he loves Kid Nation. Kirk and Zack hit it off when it comes to acting, shows from the 90s and early 2000s. Kirk talked about the two TV shows he was on and his time in LA. Pretty fun action packed show.



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