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The Offensive Line

Feb 25, 2019

No guest today but we did have Zack's girlfriend Meagan sit in. Blackman talk about going to Red Planet 13 in Vegas and getting his lotion taken away by a TSA agent. Zack has been dating Meagan for a month and it's been going well. So he is he ready to pop the question like the last relationship?



The Offensive...

Feb 17, 2019

Do guest today so Blackman and Zack talked about there weeks. Zack now has a girlfriend and his life is going pretty good for only 2 months into 2019. Blackman did so good at comedy a guy from the show let him crash at his place which worried Zack a little bit. Blackman is playing Apex Legends and Zack is going to join...

Feb 11, 2019

Two Orlando comedians Jake Ricca and Joe Censabella was on the show today. Joe talked about the fight he almost got in caused by another comedian. Don't worry Jake almost gone into one as well. However Joe got pretty lit off of Hennessy and said somethings that would make the private OCC group happy that Blackman...

Feb 4, 2019

We had Sareth Ney and Jacoby Bruton both on the show today. Sareth Ney is a Central Florida comedian that runs a website that and festival. Today show was action packed, we so much talk about Black History Month and Sareth going to a bath house. Zack Randy Savage so hard that he almost passed out.



Sareth Ney...