Mar 29, 2020
On this show it was just Blackman and Zack because Orlando is on locked down. Blackman talked about working and drinking from home. Blackman went to Daytona and took the Nintendo Switch. Someone stolen Zack account information and you'll find out that not "Everyone Loves Raymond". Zack friend Brain is missing and...
Mar 22, 2020
We haven't had gay guest on in 8 shows so Blackman invited 2 gay comedians to fill that void...or hole. We talked about the Corona(COVID-19) virus and how it effected our jobs. Who is cut and un-cut on the show? Blackman is thirsty and got needs from the looks of it. Mario and Daniel tell there coming out story...
Mar 15, 2020
It's just Blackman and Zack today but it was still a fun packed show. The COVID-19 effected a lot of things we do to the point we talked about it on the show. Zack is going to the one who marry off his cousin. E3 got cancel which effect Blackman and Zack because they like gaming. Blackman talk about co-workers who drink...
Mar 8, 2020
This was a kick ass show with Comedian Blake Butler on International Women's Day. Everytime Zack watch Step-Sister Porn he thinks of Blackman. Zack has a date and Blackman Super Like girls he know when he had Tinder. Grumpy's has an open mic that Blake wouldn't go to. Orlando Comedian Heather Shaw is hated but...
Mar 1, 2020
Lesley Jo and Etchie from PFT Media was on the show today. Blackman is willing to do a showcase in his underwear now and Etchie has been to an underwear party. Lesley talks about Castle Church Brewing, which is both a church and a brewing for beer. Can you break a men's penis? Zack did find a picture so we know...