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The Offensive Line

Feb 18, 2024

No guest but you get to hear about old school cartoons. Zack wanted Erick to be a plus 1 for an event that he went to. A public domain movie did better than Madame Web with less money. Erick gives a review on Madame Web and what they could have done better. 



Erick Feiling IG

Zack Stack IG


Feb 11, 2024

We had Orlando Comedian Jess Torres on the show today and she came with notes. Jess shows Zack and Erick Drake's Snake and talks about how she got the video. Who is a pro at gas lighting and who got gas lit? Sometimes you got to just scoop it in if it doesn't look pretty. In the Black Community how do you know if you...

Feb 5, 2024

This show you get to hear about the women Erick when on a date with. Apple has a new VR headset that has people surfing the web and looking at stocks while driving or on the bus. Erick had a crazy dream that picked up where he lefted off later in the night. Then Zack talks about a guy at the gym holding out on...