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The Offensive Line

Jul 11, 2023

You only get Erick and Zack this week on top of that Erick isn't feeling that hot. How was your 4th of July? Erick ended up going to 2 CrossFit events and Zack had a costly cookout. They talked about Tampa Bay Comic-Con and the ad they got planned. Zack tell Erick more about the AEW Wrestling game and the WWE 2K. Erick invited a black guy to one of his parties where he tried to fight someone in a tank-top. Which lead to Zack thinking the slave trade was started by a guy that kissed the slaves first before buying them. Not a really long show due to Erick's stomach bug.



2519 Soul Food and More

Erick Feiling IG

Zack Stack IG

Comedian Erick Feiling