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The Offensive Line

Sep 26, 2022

Erick just came back from a trip from Colorado. Denver is very woke and Erick was worried about what he'll say on stage when doing comedy. Zack learned about his new job and sent his gay friend a picture of soap in his hand. Erick went to Meow Wolf not knowing what it was but it was pretty cool. Zack wanted to know if...

Sep 11, 2022

Erick went Axe throwing with his friend Nick which he had to learn to channel his hate. If you're black would you use a white only glory hole?  Person in the live chat talked about showing his child a different version of Oz. Zack watched the movie Nope which isn't really that scary for the most part. The Queen...

Sep 5, 2022

Erick's older brother Gabe is back on the show to talk about eating one of the meals they would eat growing up. Zack didn't understand how you eat chicken wrapped in bread so he had to be shown. Merv grow up struggling so he want to make sure he doesn't go back to eating the poor's man food, but making sure his...